Dixon Quick Coupling
Dixon Valve and Coupling
自 1916 年成立至今,Dixon締柯圣公司已成長為一家服務各行業的 軟管管件及附件的制造商和供應商。DIXON集團的創立可以追溯到100多年前,悠久的歷史和對高品質產品的不懈追求造就了DIXON在工業管接頭領域的 品質,F今DIXON工業集團的客戶遍布全球各地,是國際 認的軟管接頭、閥門、及輔助部件的大好的生產銷售集團之一。 DIXON的產品廣泛應用于石油、化工處理、精煉、食品加工、醫藥、流動罐車、采礦、消防、建筑、核能和多種制造業。
Dixon product lines...
Industrial Cam and Groove (Cam-lok)
Universal Couplings (Crowsfeet)
Shank Type Fittings
Clamping and Crimping
Sanitary Fittings
Fire Hose Fittings and Accessories
Pipe and Welded Fittings
Tank Truck Fittings
DIXON 蒸汽管接三件套
DIXON Camlock 凸輪鎖緊式快速接頭
DIXON Boss 蒸汽專用快速接頭
DIXON Surelock 多用途快速接頭
DIXON Dual Lock 雙重鎖扣快速接頭
king crimp
Cam & Groove
Dry Disconnect Fittings
Boss Fittings
Air Fittings, FRL's, Gauges
Shank & Water Fittings
Garden Hose & Washdown
Brass Fittings
Plastic Fittings
Holedall Fittings
Hydraulic Fittings
Fire Equipment
Pipe & Welding
Tank Truck
Swivels & Rack Equipment
Maintenance & Repair
Hose Protection
PTFE Hose & Fittings
美國DIXON集團的創立可以追溯到100多年前,悠久的歷史和對高品質產品的不懈追求造就了DIXON在工業管接頭領域的品質,F今DIXON工業集團的客戶遍布全球各地,是國際 認的軟管接頭、閥門、及輔助部件的大好的生產銷售集團之一。
Dixon氣動離合器、DIXON聯軸器、DIXON閥門、DIXON接頭、DIXON安全鉗、DIXON軟管、Dixon Deutschland Gmbh聯軸器
Dixon氣動離合器,Dixon聯軸器(凸輪鎖緊), Dixon 符合DIN接頭,Dixon螺紋接頭和適配器,Dixon Holedall按和旋轉接頭,Dixon軟管和油管,Dixon無菌閥,Dixon閥門與執行器,Dixon快速接頭液壓和氣動系統,Dixon沖洗臉部聯軸器,Dixon ISO系列A“的BPSS”蒸汽閥,Dixon油罐車配件關于全面保護系統,Dixon油罐車配件,Dixon閥門和水配件。
DIXON集團的創立可以追溯到100多年前,悠久的歷史和對高品質產品的不懈追求造就了DIXON在工業管接頭領域的品質,F今DIXON工業集團的客戶遍布全球各地,是國際 認的軟管接頭、閥門、及輔助部件的大好的生產銷售集團之一。
DIXON 蒸汽管接三件套
DIXON Camlock 凸輪鎖緊式快速接頭
DIXON Boss 蒸汽專用快速接頭
Dixon Bayco 公司
Dixon Boss 公司
制造和銷售氣動管件、凸輪和輪槽、卡箍、石油管件、蒸汽管件、旋轉接頭、閥門和水管管件。 Dixon Boss 的產品廣泛用于各行各業,包括消防、食品、移動油罐車、礦業、施工、化學加工、石油、油田、煉油、核能和制造業。
Dixon Brass 公司
制造和銷售氣動和低壓黃銅軟管管件、接頭和接頭。自 1929 年以來, Dixon Brass 一直以其眾多高質精加工的黃銅軟管產品系列,竭誠服務工業銷售市場。
Dixon Powhatan 公司
Dixon Quick Couplings 公司
制造和銷售各類液壓和氣動快速斷開接頭,通常服務尺寸為 2 英寸或以下的接頭市場。此類產品應用于多個領域,包括工業、軍事、車輛、航空和醫療市場。
Dixon Sanitary 公司
制造整套的 304 和 316L 不銹鋼衛生設備管件和閥門, 可用于食品、奶制品、飲料、化妝品、制藥和工業市場。締柯圣 Sanitary 可供應達到或超過 3A 標準的各種 BradfordTM 品牌的卡箍、焊接件、斜座閥、 John Perry 、 Q 型和 I 型接頭, 尺寸從1/2英寸到12英寸不等。本公司還可根據客戶要求,定制提供衛生球閥和碟閥的內部自動化服務。
DQC E-Series Straight Through Interchange Female Coupler with Locking Sleeve
Flushface 90° Female Threaded Coupler
DQC HT-Series Correct Connect? Flushface Male Threaded Bulkhead Coupler
DQC H-Series ISO-B Female Plug
DQC H-Series ISO-B Steel Mill 'Slide Gate' Female Threaded Plug
DQC H-Series ISO-B Poppet Valve Female Threaded Coupler
DQC H-Series ISO-B Steel Mill 'Slide Gate' Female Threaded Coupler
Flushface 90° Female Threaded Plug
HTE-Series Connect Under Pressure Flush Face Female Plug
DQC VEP-Series Female Threaded Plug
DQC VEP-Series Female Threaded Coupler
DQC H-Series ISO-B Coupler Seal Kit
AG-Series Agricultural Ball Coupler
DQC H-Series ISO-B Dust Cap/Plug
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Repair Kit
DQC E-Series Straight Through Interchange Female Coupler
DQC K-Series ISO-A Interchange Female Coupler
AG-Series Agricultural Poppet Valve Female Threaded Coupler
AG-Series Agricultural Ball Valve Female Threaded Coupler
DQC CVV-Series European Interchange Female Coupler
PD-Series Diagnostic Female Coupler
DQC H-Series ISO-B Repair Kit
DQC H-Series ISO-B High Volume Female Coupler
DQC TR-Series Tema European Interchange Female Coupler
DQC E-Series Straight Through Interchange Coupler Seal Kit
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Coupler Seal Kit
PD-Series Diagnostic Male Coupler
DQC CVV-Series European Interchange Dust Plug
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Dust Plug
DQC CVV-Series European Interchange Female Plug
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Extension Plug
DQC K-Series ISO-A 5600 Interchange Coupler Seal Kit
DQC T-Series Ball Coupler Seal Kit
DQC K-Series ISO-A 5600 Interchange Dust Plug
AG-Series Agricultural Poppet Valve Female Threaded Plug
DQC E-Series Straight Through Interchange Male Coupler
DQC ST-Series Snap-Tite 71 Interchange Seal Kit
DQC TR-Series Tema European Interchange Coupler Seal Kit
DQC H-Series ISO-B Rigid Dust Plug
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Dust Cap/Plug
AG-Series Agricultural Push-Pull Ball Female Threaded Coupler
DQC E-Series Straight Through Interchange Male Plug
DQC K-Series ISO-A 5600 Interchange Dust Cap
DQC H-Series ISO-B High Volume Female Plug
DQC HS-Series ISO-B Steam Interchange Female Coupler
AG-Series Agricultural Push-Pull Poppet Valve Female Threaded Coupler
DQC K-Series ISO-A 5600 Interchange Dust Cap/Plug
DQC T-Series Male NPTF Poppet Coupler
DQC T-Series Male NPTF Ball Coupler
DQC E-Series Straight Through Interchange Female Plug
DQC H-BOP Series Blowout Preventer Safety Female Coupler
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Plug Female NPTF
DQC H-Series ISO-B Food Grade Silicone Flanged Female Threaded Coupler
DQC CVV-Series European Interchange Dust Cap
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Plug Male NPTF
PD-Series Diagnostic Male Plug
DQC TR-Series Tema European Interchange Female Plug
DQC H-Series ISO-B Food Grade Female Threaded Plug
AG-Series Agricultural Ball Valve Female Threaded Plug
DQC K-Series ISO-A Interchange Female Plug
DQC H-Series ISO-B Food Grade Nylon Flanged Female Threaded Coupler
DQC EA-Series Water-Blast Interchange Seal Kit
PD-Series Diagnostic Female Plug
DQC HT-Series Flushface Female Threaded Coupler
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Valved Female Coupler
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Valved Male Coupler
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Unvalved Female Coupler
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Unvalved Male Coupler
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Valved Male Plug
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Unvalved Coupler 90° Push-Loc Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Unvalved Coupler Female NPTF
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Valved Coupler Hose Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Valved Coupler 45° Push-Loc Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Dust Plug
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Valved Coupler 90° Hose Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Unvalved Coupler 45° Push-Loc Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Unvalved Coupler Push-Loc Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Valved Coupler Push-Loc Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Unvalved Coupler 45° Hose Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Valved Coupler 45° Hose Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Valved Coupler 90° Push-Loc Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Unvalved Coupler Hose Barb
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Unvalved Coupler 90° Hose Barb
DQC E-Series Straight Through Interchange Hose Barb Coupler
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Valved Coupler Female NPTF
DQC CM-Series Industrial Mold Interchange Coupler Seal Kit
DQC HT-Series Flushface Female Threaded Plug
DQC HT-Series Flushface Coupler Dust Plug
DQC HT-Series Flushface Plug Dust Cap
DQC HT-Series Flushface Bulkhead Kit
DQC HT-Series Flushface Seal Kit
DQC W-Series Wingstyle Interchange Female Coupler
DQC W-Series Wingstyle Interchange Hex-Nut Female Coupler
DQC W-Series Wingstyle Interchange Female Plug
DQC W-Series Wingstyle Interchange Dust Plug
DQC W-Series Wingstyle Interchange Repair Kit
AG-Series Agricultural Dust Cap
AG-Series Agricultural Dust Plug
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Unvalved Female Plug
HTZ Series Flush Face Female Threaded Coupler
HTZ Series Correct Connect? Flush Face Female Threaded Coupler
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Interchange Coupler Seal Kit
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Female Coupler
DQC WS-BOP Series High Pressure Wingstyle Interchange Coupler Seal Kit
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Code 62 Flange Pad Coupler
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Code 62 Flange Head Coupler
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Interchange Rigid Dust Plug
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Interchange Coupler Repair Kit
DQC WS-BOP Series High Pressure Wingstyle Female Coupler
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Code 62 Flange Pad Plug
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Code 62 Flange Head Plug
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Interchange Rigid Dust Cap
WS-Series High Pressure Wingstyle Female Plug
DQC VEP-Series Female Coupler
VEP Series Flange Head Coupler
VEP Series Flange Head Plug
VEP Series Flange Pad Coupler
VEP Series Flange Pad Plug
DQC VEP-Series Dust Plug
TD-Series Dust Plug
DQC HT-Series Correct Connect? Flushface Female Threaded Coupler
DQC VEP-BOP Series Blowout Preventer Female Coupler
DQC HT-Series Flushface Male Threaded Coupler
DQC ST-Series Snap-Tite 71 Interchange Bulkhead Kit
VEP Series Female Coupler Repair Kit
DQC E-Series Straight Through Interchange Hose Barb Plug
DQC H-Series ISO-B Rigid Dust Cap
DQC H-Series ISO-B Male Plug
DQC H-BOP Series Blowout Preventer Safety Female Plug
DQC HS-Series ISO-B Steam Interchange Female Plug
DQC HT-Series Flushface Male Threaded Plug
HTE-Series Correct Connect? Under Pressure Flush Face Female Plug
DQC ST-Series Snap-Tite 71 Interchange Old Style Female Plug
DQC ST-Series Snap-Tite 71 Interchange Female Plug
DQC T-Series Female NPTF Ball Plug
DQC T-Series Dust Cap
DQC T-Series Female NPTF Poppet Plug
TD-Series Dust Cap
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Valved Female Plug
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Unvalved Male Plug
DQC VEP-Series Female Plug
DQC W-Series Wingstyle Interchange Flange
DQC VEP-BOP Series Blowout Preventer Female Plug
DQC W-Series Wingstyle Interchange Dust Cap
DQC VEP-Series Rigid Dust Cap
DQC V-Series Snap-Tite H/IH Interchange Dust Cap
DQC WS-BOP Series High Pressure Wingstyle Female Plug
DQC ST-Series Snap-Tite 71 Interchange Dust Cap
DQC ST-Series Snap-Tite 71 Interchange Dust Plug
DQC ST-Series Snap-Tite 71 Interchange Old Style Female Coupler
DQC ST-Series Snap-Tite 71 Interchange Female Coupler
DQC T-Series Female NPTF Ball Coupler
DQC T-Series Dust Plug
DQC EA-Series Water-Blast Interchange Plug
DQC EA-Series Water-Blast Interchange Coupler