
Smart fluid handling to take you forward,faster


Hybrid Connector Now Offers Higher Flow in Same Package

Posted by Jennifer Calhoon on Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Colder Products Company(CPC)是一家為塑料管提供快速斷開接頭和配件的公司,它宣布擴展其混合接頭平臺。CPC現在提供的混合動力具有四倍的流量和更高的壓力能力。Colder的混合連接器將空氣管路、電氣連接和流體管路集成到一個緊湊的連接點中,以簡化醫療設備或設備上的多個連接。

Colder Products Company (CPC), a provider of quick disconnect couplings and fittings for plastic tubing, announces the expansion of its Hybrid Connector platform. CPC now offers the hybrid with four times the flow capacity and higher pressure capabilities. Colder’s Hybrid Connectors integrate air lines, electrical connections and fluid lines into a single, compact connection point to simplify multiple connections on medical devices or equipment.




Colder Products Company醫療業務部門經理吉姆·布朗(Jim Brown)表示,新的混合連接器和擴展平臺現在為產品制造商提供了利用這種獨特的連接器技術提高用戶界面安全性和速度的機會。

The new Hybrid Connector and expanded platform now provide product manufacturers the opportunity to improve the safety and speed of their user interface using this unique connector technology, says Jim Brown, medical business unit manager for Colder Products Company.


Hybrid connectors from Colder eliminate the potential for misconnecting tubing and wires because all the different connections are made simultaneously, rather than individually. By reducing multiple individual connections, the Hybrid Connector allows clinicians to quickly and easily change or replace modular tools, umbilicals and hand pieces correctly.


By combining multiple connection points into a single, integrated connector we prevent accidental misconnections, says Brown, and make it much more intuitive and faster for the user to connect multiple lines.


The hybrid coupling consists of a panel mount socket and a connector with an umbilical hose containing multiple fluid tubes and contact wires. Featuring dry break valve technology and high-cycle pin and socket electrical contacts, hybrid couplings can be easily customized for a wide range of applications that require fluid and electronics including diagnostic equipment, surgical tools, analytical instrumentation and hospital beds.

Colder Products公司將在明尼阿波利斯會議中心的MD&M Minneapolis(展位#604)展示其混合連接器和新的NS1系列無泄漏連接器。與會者有機會與更冷的專家會面,討論他們的設計挑戰,以及更冷的連接器和配件選項如何使流體處理應用更清潔、更快、更安全和更智能。

Colder Products Company will feature its Hybrid Connector and new NS1 Series non-spill couplings at MD&M Minneapolis (Booth #604) in the Minneapolis Convention Center. Attendees have the opportunity to meet with Colder experts to discuss their design challenges and how Colder coupling and fitting options make fluid handling applications cleaner, faster, safer and smarter.

Colder Products


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