
Smart fluid handling to take you forward,faster

Avery Weigh-Tronix
Avery Weigh-Tronix 愛偉創稱重技術
英國Avery Weigh-Tronix稱重儀表控制器

Avery Weigh-Tronix 公司位于英國的伯明翰, 是全球大的電子衡器制造、服務商之一。公司在美國,加拿大,印尼設有生產工廠;全球70多個國家設有辦事處及銷售機構。Avery Weigh-Tronix 隸屬于全球500強ITW(Illinois Tool Works).ITW集團的國際業務由分布在世界52個國家,由825個子公司構成,全球雇員人數約60,000人。Avery Weigh-Tronix 公司主要業務為設計、制造及銷售電子衡器和稱重設備,為客戶提供測量解決方案。產品廣泛應用于實驗室、工業、農業、物流運輸業及食品加工業等行業。公司技術全球領先,始終致力于研發創新,追求質量無懈可擊,產品一直以來服務并定位于高端市場。


Avery Weigh-Tronix Weight Indicators

Avery Weigh-Tronix 總部位于英國伯明翰,是一家高品質工業稱重產品和系統制造商,并在多國設有經營部門。Avery Weigh-Tronix的傳感器、儀表,擁有OIML、NTEP、FM等國際認證證書和防爆認證,適用于高精度、高可靠性場合。Avery Weigh Tronix是 大的稱重設備生產商之一,擁有專業負責農業的部門,可以針對多種農業環境提供稱重方案。產品可以用于乳品及養殖行業所需的TMR和配方管理應用中。 英文簡介 Avery Weigh-Tronix is one of the world’s largest manufacturers and suppliers of weighing equipment and solutions. With wholly owned businesses in nine countries, and partners in more than 70 others, we are truly a global player with a range and expertise that is second to none.Avery Weigh-Tronix is one of the largest and most established suppliers of weighing equipment worldwide and boasts a specialist Agricultural division that provides weighing solutions to a variety of farming applications.




E1205 weight indicator

Multi-function weight indicators for advance weighing routines

E1310 weight indicator

Programmable weight indicator and process controller for advanced weight data management

NEW: ZM400 Series weight indicator

Programmable weight indicator

Weight indicator 1080

Compact panel mount weight indicator

ZM201 Series Indicators

Ideal for applications that require Zero, Tare and Print functions

ZM205 Baggage Weighing Indicator

Ideal for fast and accurate operation at busy airport check in desks

ZM301 weight indicator

Industry leading, multi-function weight indicator

ZM303 weight indicator

Industry leading, advanced multi-function weight indicator

ZM305 multi-function weight indicator


西安嘉岳自動化技術有限公司 Garye Automation Company

地址 : 西安市未央區經濟技術開發區鳳城五路 89 號 5 幢 1 單元 10601 室
電話:029 - 8647 4991 手機: 18292561696
E-mail : sales@garye.cn
郵編 : 710018

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