
Smart fluid handling to take you forward,faster



Everis  LQ4S 不銹鋼快速接頭 Everis LQ4S Stainless Steel Quick Disconnects
Published: September 07, 2023

CPC通過EverisLQ4S不銹鋼QD生產線擴大了其金屬?〃流量產品的供應范圍。這個新產品系列是基于非常流行的Everis LQ4 QD;它由不銹鋼加工而成,以滿足客戶對電偶腐蝕的更大保證的要求。


與Everis LQ4生產線中的聯軸器一樣,Everis LQ4S快速接頭是一種中等尺寸的聯軸器,具有CPC標志性的拇指閂鎖,最大Cv約為1.4,每個接頭的空氣夾雜量小于0.025 cc。與Everis LQ4系列不同,Everis LQ4S系列包括帶有藍色、紅色或黑色鎖扣的機身,可用于識別冷卻管路。目前正在接受提前期為八周的產品訂單。有興趣接收Everis LQ4S樣品的人應通過Channel Tools上的樣品申請表下訂單,以便在第四季度早期交付。


- Everis LQ4S 快速接頭系列規格表
- Everis LQ4S 快速接頭系列常見問題
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Everis LQ4S Stainless Steel Quick Disconnects
Published: September 07, 2023

CPC has expanded its offering of metal ?″ flow products with the Everis LQ4S stainless steel QD line. This new product series is based upon the very popular Everis LQ4 QD; it is machined from stainless steel to meet customers’ requirements for greater assurance against galvanic corrosion.

As with the couplings in the Everis LQ4 line, the Everis LQ4S quick connects are a mid-sized coupling with CPC’s signature thumb latch and a maximum Cv of ~1.4 featuring less than 0.025 cc of air inclusion per connect. Unlike the Everis LQ4 line, the Everis LQ4S series includes bodies with color latches in blue, red, or black providing options for cooling line identification. Product orders with an eight-week lead time are being accepted now. Folks who are interested in receiving Everis LQ4S samples should place their order through the sample request form on Channel Tools for early Q4 delivery.

Available now:

- Everis LQ4S Quick Disconnect Series Spec Sheet
- Everis LQ4S Quick Disconnect Series FAQ
- High-resolution images
- News Release


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